hari lagi
24–27 Agustus 2025
The Venetian Macao
Makau, Tiongkok

Berkumpul untuk merayakan prestasi, mencetuskan inovasi, dan menebar inspirasi

Gabung bersama teman dan rekan di Makau, Tiongkok, dan berbaurlah dengan para praktisi terbaik jasa keuangan. Keluarlah sejenak dari rutinitas sehari-hari untuk menjelajahi tren terkini, mengasah strategi, dan meluaskan jaringan global Anda. Dari para pembicara Panggung Utama yang inspiratif hingga selebrasi bersama kolega di ConneXion Zone, konferensi ini akan melecut pesat laju karier Anda.

  • Hear from captivating speakers who inspire.
  • Network with like-minded professionals from all over the world to gain fresh perspectives that fuel innovation.
  • Take your skills to the next level as you immerse yourself in sessions designed to empower your personal and professional growth.
  •  Lock in best practices to bring back to your workplace so you and your business thrive.


Gain insights from past meetings and learn how to apply them to grow your business today. Log in to  to access personalized information and content.


Be part of a community of global financial professionals by attending MDRT meetings and events, accessing the Member Directory, joining the MDRT Mentoring Program and engaging as a volunteer. Learn more at mdrt.org.


Get ready for the 2025 MDRT Global Conference in the unique destination of Macau, China, the heart of eastern and western cultures, where you will uncover hidden gems, indulge in the finest food and discover that thrill-seeking adventure you have been anxiously anticipating.

Tiffani Bova

Tiffani Bova is the chief growth evangelist at Salesforce and the author of the Wall Street Journal bestselling book “Growth IQ: Get Smarter About the Choices that Will Make or Break Your Business.” Her thought-provoking insights have made her a frequent guest and contributor for a variety of industry-leading podcasts, live broadcasts and publications. She hosts the podcast “What’s Next! with Tiffani Bova” and has interviewed a growing number of inspirational leaders.

Morris Morrison

Morris Morrison is the owner of Windmill Park Media and a world-class entertainer, professional speaker and author whose journey began in New York City, New York, USA, after being orphaned twice. Morrison strives to help build stronger, smarter and kinder human beings, and his powerful message is clear: to bring people, family and teams closer through personal ownership, service and generosity.

Jensen Siaw

Jensen Siaw is a global performance coach who has worked with top sales producers, business leaders, senior executives, performing artists and professionals since 2006. His clientele includes multinational corporations, government bodies, universities and global insurance companies, and his coaching style with financial advisors focuses on how to create inner world alignment between work and home life. Siaw has reached close to a million people through his keynotes, radio talk shows, virtual seminars and at many MDRT events.

Sebastian Terry

Sebastian Terry is a changemaker, bestselling author and thought leader who uses his one-of-a-kind story and custom models to create a positive ripple for peak performance, well-being and a thriving workplace culture. Through collaboration with many of the world’s largest organizations, such as Google, Berkshire Hathaway, Bank of America and McKesson, the teams Sebastian worked with have leveraged the passion effect as the driving force for becoming the best versions of themselves in and out of the workplace.

Crystal Washington

Crystal Washington, CSP, is an author, sought-after speaker, technology strategist and certified futurist who helps organizations leverage technology to increase profits and productivity. As one of 50 leading female futurists named in Forbes, Washington makes complex social media, app and web topics easy to understand for everyday people. Her portfolio of clients includes Google, Microsoft and General Electric.



11.00 – 18.00
ConneXion Zone
16.00 – 17.30
Kickoff Relawan PGA dan Sesi Breakout Satuan Tugas:


11.00 – 19.00
ConneXion Zone
12.30 – 15.00
Program dan Resepsi Court of the Table dan Top of the Table
15.30 – 16.30
Sesi Peserta First-Time
18.00 – 19.30
Panggung Utama


08.00 – 17.00
09.00 – 11.00
Panggung Utama
11.00 – 17.00
ConneXion Zone
13.30 – 14.30
15.00 - 16.00
16.30 – 17.30
Sesi Fokus
13.30 – 14.30
15.00 – 16.00
Sesi MDRT Center for Field Leadership
16.00 – 17.30
Resepsi dan Upacara Penghargaan MDRT Center for Field Leadership
17.30 – 18.30
Resepsi Top of the Table


08.00 – 17.00
09.00 – 11.00
Panggung Utama
11.00 – 17.00
ConneXion Zone
13.30 – 14.30
15.00 – 16.00
16.30 – 17.30
Sesi Fokus
13.30 – 14.30
15.00 – 16.00
Sesi MDRT Center for Field Leadership


07.30 – 08.30
Forum Terbuka Court of the Table dan Top of the Table
07.00 – 10.00
09.00 – 11.00
Panggung Utama
Catatan: Jadwal dapat berubah
Lihat semua informasi program


Registration and housing for the 2023 MDRT Annual Meeting will open March 21, 2023. Mark your calendars.

Biaya Pendaftaran Awal

20 Mei 2025 (19.00 CT) –
08 Juli 2025 (18.59 CT)
Register now
  • Tandai tanggalnya di kalender
  • Registrasi dan reservasi hotel Konferensi Global MDRT 2025 akan dibuka pada
    20 Mei 2025.
  • Biaya dapat berubah. Semua biaya dalam mata uang Dolar Amerika (USD).
  • Pendaftaran akan dibuka hingga kapasitas pertemuan sudah penuh.
Lihat semua informasi registrasi

2024 Annual Meeting travel applications for Vancouver may take up to six months.
Please start your visa, electronic travel authorization (eTA) and passport applications today.

Get information


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