Shawn Kanungo is a globally recognized innovation strategist and bestselling author. Combining creativity, business and technology, Kanungo spent 12 years at Deloitte working closely with leaders to help them better plan for the opportunities associated with disruptive innovation. Today, he is a partner with Queen & Rook, where he advises premier organizations and executives on disruptive trends and invests in early-stage ventures. Drawing on his extensive experience with artificial intelligence, cloud technologies and behavioral economics, he provides audiences with an optimistic road map for embracing unexpected approaches to innovation to remain competitive and relevant.
Shawn Kanungo 是全球公认的创新策略师兼畅销作家。凭借创意、业务与科技三剑合璧,Kanungo 有 12 年时间任职于 Deloitte,期间与领导层紧密合作,帮助他们规划与革命性创新技术有关的机遇。时至今日,他已成为 Queen & Rook 的合伙人,负责为顶流组织及行政人员提供有关重大趋势及投资早期合伙企业方面的建议。通过对人工智能、云端技术及行为经济学的丰富知识,他为观众带来乐观主义的路线图,教导大家接纳令人意想不到的创新对策,从而保持竞争力及相关性。