Kavita Bothra began her career as a software professional and, after the Y2K crisis, transitioned to the financial services profession. Her family background provides a natural advantage of enterprise, effective communication and problem solving, which has helped her nurture relationships and steadily grow as an entrepreneur. As a financial coach, Bothra enjoys educating people on simple saving habits and training young advisors in behavioral finance, insurance and asset allocation by applying the prized lessons of age-old grit and consistency
Kavita Bothra 最初从事软件行业,经历千禧年的行业危机后便转投金融服务业。家庭背景为她提供了在企业经营、有效沟通及解决问题方面的天赋优势,助她顺利开拓客户,逐渐成长为一名成功的企业家。身为一名理财顾问,Bothra 很享受教导人们培养简单的储蓄习惯,并通过多年磨炼及坚持所获得的宝贵经验,为年轻顾问提供行为金融学、保险及资产配置方面的培训。